We’re ready to make a real difference in public education, but we need your help.

Will you be part of our Founding Team?

Here’s the situation…

While the youth mental health crisis had been brewing for years, the pandemic pushed it into a national emergency.

This crisis, alongside growing populations of at-risk youth, massive teacher turnover, increased safety concerns, and a shift of societal norms has stretched public schools far past their sustainable limits.

Local school teams simply aren't equipped with the resources or expertise to handle these overarching societal problems, even though the consequences are directly impacting classrooms. Instead, the new normal in schools has become one of disrupted classrooms, disengaged classes, and dysregulated students - leading to an entire generation growing up in what often looks and feels like chaos.

That’s where we come in.

TLC partners with schools to build their local team’s capacities & provide a sustainable path forward.

Our team of education & school-based behavior specialists provide the support, tools, and strategies to help schools navigate their current behavioral challenges, and prevent future ones from unfolding.

Learn About Our Work

Be part of our Founding Team.

We are seeking donations to fund our first 18 months in operation and to have a supporter base we can reference on grant applications in order to secure more long-term funding.

Any and all donations are greatly appreciated to support our work. Every dollar makes a huge difference!